The International Conference on Austroasiatic Linguistics is the principal regular meeting for presenting and discussing research on Austroasiatic languages/linguistics. Click on the links below for detailed information about previous and upcoming ICAAL meetings. The minutes of ICAAL business meetings may be found here.
upcoming meetings
ICAAL 12 (2024): Chiang Mai (October 23-25, 2024, dates subject to change)
Hosted by: Linguistics Department, International College, Payap University (Chiang Mai, Thailand)
a brief history…
The first ICAAL was held at the University of Hawai‘i in Honolulu in 1973, and proceedings were published in 1976 in two volumes entitled Austroasiatic Studies (Philip N. Jenner, Laurence C. Thompson and Stanley Starosta (eds.) Honolulu: Oceanic Linguistics). Links to the articles from this volume are available on the ICAAL 1 page.
A Second International Conference on Austroasiatic Linguistics (SICAL) was held at the Central Institute of Indian Languages in Mysore in 1978.
After a long pause of nearly 3 decades, the ICAAL 3 Pilot Meeting was held in Siam Reap (Cambodia) in 2006, and full ICAAL meetings resumed with the 3rd ICAAL being held at Deccan College Post-Graduate & Research Institute in Pune (India) in 2007. Since then, ICAAL meetings have been held approximately every 2 years.
previous meetings
ICAAL 11 (2023): Online (October 26-27, 2023)
Hosted by: Chiang Mai University (Thailand)
ICAAL 10 (2022): Online
Hosted by: Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages (USA)
ICAAL 9 (2021): Online
Hosted by: Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University (Sweden)
ICAAL 8 (2019): Chiang Mai
Hosted by: The Myanmar Center, Faculty of Humanities, Chiang Mai University (Thailand)
ICAAL 7 (2017): Kiel
Hosted by: Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (Germany)
AA Workshop 2016: Austroasiatic Syntax in Areal and Diachronic Perspective: Chiang Mai
Hosted by: The Myanmar Center, Faculty of Humanities, Chiang Mai University (Thailand)
ICAAL 6 (2015): Siem Reap
Hosted by: The National Language Institute, Royal Academy of Cambodia & The Center for Khmer Studies (Cambodia)
ICAAL 5 (2013): Canberra
Hosted by: Department of Linguistics, Australian National University (Australia)
ICAAL 4 (2009): Bangkok
Hosted by: Department of Linguistics, Mahidol University (Thailand)
ICAAL 3 (2007): Pune
Hosted by: Deccan College Post-Graduate & Research Institute (India)
ICAAL “Pilot Picnic” (2006): Siem Reap
Hosted by: École Française d’Extrême-Orient, Siem Reap (Cambodia)
Symposium on AA Linguistics (1979): Helsingør
Hosted by: International People’s College (Denmark)
ICAAL 2 (1978): Mysore
Hosted by: Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore (India)
ICAAL 1 (1973): Honolulu
Hosted by: Pacific and Asian Linguistics Institute. University of Hawaii (USA)
ICAAL Business Meetings (Minutes)