The list of notational conventions presented below is based on the Leipzig Glossing Rules. These conventions were specified for use in the Handbook of Austroasiatic Linguistics (published by Brill), and it is strongly recommended for authors presenting descriptive or analytical work on AA languages (or on any Southeast Asian language) to adopt these conventions.
General Notes: Lexical items functioning as grammatical markers should be glossed with their lexical form if the connection is synchronically transparent. If possible, a one-to-one correspondence is preferable. If a verb meaning ‘give’ is also used as causative (permissive/jussive) and/or benefactive marker, the consistent use of the gloss ‘give’ tells more about the structure of the language than a gloss like CAUS or BEN. The function in each example should be evident from the translation. If a morpheme is fully lexicalized, the gloss should reflect this.
If you use glosses that would usefully expand this list, please write to Mathias Jenny or Paul Sidwell to discuss.
Label | Category | |
/…/ | phonemic representation | |
[…] | phonetic representation | |
<...> | orthographic representation/transliteration | |
1 | first person | |
2 | second person | |
3 | third person | |
i, ii, iii, … | morphological class; degree of remoteness | |
A | agent | |
ABL | ablative | |
ABIL | abilitive | |
ABS | absolutive | |
ACC | accusative | |
ACCOMP | accomplishment | |
ACP | attention calling particle | |
ACS | accessible | |
ACT | active | |
ADD | additive | |
ADDR | address particle | |
ADH | adhortative | |
ADJ | adjective | |
ADP | adpositional phrase | |
ADV(Z) | adverb(alizer) | |
ADVRS | adversative | |
AFF | affirmative | |
AGR | agreement | |
AGT | agent(ive) | |
ALL | allative | |
ANA | anaphoric | |
AND | andative | |
ANIM | animate | |
ANTI_AGT | anti-agentive | |
ANTIP | antipassive | |
AO | agent orientating | |
AOR | aorist | |
APPL | applicative | |
APPR | approving particle | |
APRX | approximative | |
ART | article | |
ASP | aspect | |
ASRT | assertive particle | |
ASSOC | associative | |
ATTR | attributive | |
AUG | augmentative | |
AUX | auxiliary | |
BEN | benefactive | |
CAP | capability | |
CAUS | causative | |
CLF | classifier | |
COLL | collective | |
COM | comitative | |
COMP | complementizer | |
COMPAR | comparative | |
COMPL | completive | |
COND | conditional | |
CONS | consequence | |
CONSUL | consultative | |
CONT | continuous | |
CONTR | contrastive | |
CONTRADICT | contradictory | |
COP | copula | |
COORD | coordinating particle | |
CQ | content question marker | |
CRS | change of currently relevant state | |
CSP | consent seeking particle | |
CT | class term | |
CVB | converb | |
DAT | dative | |
DCON | discontinuous | |
DECL | declarative | |
DEF | definite | |
DEM | demonstrative | |
DEP | departitive | |
.DEP | dependent form | |
DES | desiderative | |
DESC | descriptive | |
DET | determiner | |
DIM | diminutive | |
DIR | directional | |
DIR.O | direct object | |
DRCT | direct (speech) | |
DISC | discourse particle | |
DISP | displacement (in space/time) | |
DIST | distal demonstrative | |
DISTR | distributive | |
DP | discourse particle | |
DS | different subject | |
DU, d | dual | |
DUR | durative | |
DYN | dynamic aspect | |
ECHO | echo word | |
EMPH | emphatic | |
EMOT | emotional particle | |
ENUM | enumerative particle | |
EQUD | equidistal demonstrative | |
EPIST | epistemic particle | |
ERG | ergative | |
EUPH | euphonic | |
EXCL | exclusive marker | |
EXCLAM | exclamation | |
EXP | experience | |
EXPER | experiential | |
FEM, f | feminine | |
FAM | familiar | |
FILLER | filler | |
FIN | finite | |
FOC | focus | |
FREQ | frequentative | |
FUT | future | |
G | goal, recipient | |
GEN | genitive | |
GOAL | goal | |
GRNDV | gerundive | |
GRP | generic referential prefix | |
H | high honorific | |
HAPP | happenstance | |
HES | hesitation | |
HON | honorific | |
HORT | hortative | |
HUM | human | |
IDEOPH | ideophone | |
IDF | identificational particle | |
IMM | immediate (future) | |
IMP | imperative | |
INAN | inanimate | |
INCEP | inceptive | |
INCH | inchoative | |
INCL | inclusive marker | |
INC.OBJ | incorporated object | |
IND | indicative | |
IND.O | indirect object | |
INDF | indefinite | |
INDR | indirect (speech) | |
INF | infinitive | |
INS | instrumental | |
INTER | interrogative | |
INTR | intransitive | |
INTS | intensifier | |
INV | invariant (verb form) | |
IPFV | imperfective | |
IRR | irrealis | |
ITER | iterative | |
L | low honorific | |
LINK | linker | |
LOC | locative | |
MANN | manner | |
MASC, m | masculine | |
MDF | modifier | |
MEDL | medial demonstrative | |
MENS | mensural classifier | |
MID | middle voice | |
MIR | mirative | |
MPROX | mid-proximal demonstrative | |
N | neuter | |
N- | non- | |
NC | numeral classifier | |
NEG | negation | |
NEWINF | new information | |
NF | non-final | |
NFIN | non-finite | |
NFUT | non-future | |
NML(Z) | nominal(izer) | |
NOM | nominative | |
NSIT | new situation | |
NUM | numeral | |
NVIS | non-visible | |
NVOL | non-volitional | |
OBJ | object | |
OBL | oblique | |
OPP | opportunity | |
OPT | optative | |
ORD | ordinal number | |
P | patient | |
PA | past anterior | |
PART | partitive | |
PASS | passive | |
PERF | perfect | |
PFV | perfective | |
PL, p | plural | |
PM | predicate marker | |
PN | proper name | |
POL | politeness particle | |
POSS | possessive | |
PP | preposition phrase | |
PQ | polar question marker | |
PRED | predicative | |
PROB | probability | |
PROG | progressive | |
PROH | prohibitive | |
PRON | pronoun | |
PROS | prospective | |
PROX | proximal demonstrative | |
PRS | present | |
PST | past | |
PTCL | particle | |
PTCP | participle | |
PURP | purposive | |
Q | question marker | |
QNT | quantifier | |
QUANT | quantitative (as much as) | |
QUOT | quotative | |
RC | relative clause | |
RDP | reduplicated syllable | |
REAL | realis | |
RECP | reciprocal | |
RED | reduplication | |
REF | referential | |
REFL | reflexive | |
REL | relativizer | |
REM | remote | |
REP | reported | |
REP.SP | reported speech | |
REPET | repetitive | |
REQ | request particle | |
RES | resultative | |
RESTR | restrictive | |
RHET | rhetorical question | |
RLZ | realizing particle | |
ROY | royal language | |
RQ | resumptive question marker (what about …) | |
RTOP | resumptive topic | |
S | single argument | |
SBJ | subject | |
SBJV | subjunctive | |
SEQ | sequential | |
SFP | sentence final particle | |
SG, s | singular | |
SIMIL | similative | |
SRP | self reflecting particle | |
SS | same subject | |
STAT | static aspect | |
SUB | subordinate | |
SUGG | suggestive | |
SUPER | superlative | |
SURP | particle expressing surprise | |
T | theme | |
TAG | tag particle | |
TAM | tense, aspect, modality | |
TCL | topic-comment linker | |
TEMP | temporal | |
TITLE | title | |
TOP | topic | |
TR | transitive | |
UNIT | unitized | |
V | verb | |
VD | directional verb | |
Vh | verb head | |
Vv | versatile verb | |
VENT | venitive | |
VIS | visible | |
VOC | vocative |