This is an archival version of the original conference website for ICAAL 12 as it was.
You can access a report of ICAAL 12 along with media and presentations here.
The 12th International Conference on Austroasiatic Linguistics (ICAAL 12) will be held in hybrid format, hosted by the Linguistics Department, International College, Payap University in Chiang Mai, Thailand, October 23-25, 2024. ICAAL is the principal regular meeting for presenting and discussing research on Austroasiatic languages and linguistics. This year’s meeting is particularly exciting, as this will be the first in-person ICAAL meeting since ICAAL 8 in 2019. We are looking forward to bringing Austroasiatic scholars together once again!
Registration & Payment
Registration is now open for ICAAL 12. We would ask all participants to please register using the online form linked below at their earliest convenience. All participants must register, whether presenting or not and whether attending online or in person.
To complete registrations, participants are asked to arrange for payment of the conference registration fee. The fee amounts are as follows:
- Online Participants: $20 USD
- In-Person Participants: $80 USD
For in-person participants, the conference fee covers coffee breaks and lunch all three days of the conference as well as a conference dinner.
We will not be accepting cash payments on arrival for ICAAL 12. Accordingly, we have arranged for two methods of electronic payment, and we ask all participants to please arrange for the timely payment of the conference registration fee. This will help us to prepare well for the event!
- Payment via PayPal Account: You may use your PayPal account to send the conference registration fee directly to us at the conference email address: [email protected].
- Payment via Invoice: Those who do not have access to a PayPal account may request an invoice from us. An invoice will be sent to your email address with a link to a PayPal webpage, where you can make payment without signing in. Please note that this method results in additional fees on our end, so we must increase the registrations fees to $23/$92 USD for those who choose this option. If you would like to pay by invoice, please contact us at the conference email address: [email protected]
Please find detailed instructions for both payment methods at the links below.
Venue and Accommodation
Payap University is conveniently located on the outskirts of Chiang Mai, nestled between the Chiang Mai-Lamphun Superhighway and the first ring road. The campus is easily accessed via Taxi or Grab, the local ride-hailing app. Our conference will convene in the Singtoh Changtrakul Seminar Room on the first floor of the Sirindhorn Learning Resource Centre, which houses the university library. A link to the location is provided below.
The Payap International House (PIH) is a building on campus, which provides short term accommodation. Thirty rooms are available during October 22-26 for participants who wish to stay on campus. Rooms are air conditioned and include two single beds, toilet/restroom, refrigerator, a hot water kettle and access to a microwave. A campus shuttle runs frequently between PIH and the Sirindhorn Learning Resource Centre. The room rate is 700 THB per night (approx. $20 USD). If you would like to reserve a room at Payap International House, please just let us know on your registration form.
Chiang Mai is, of course, one of the jewels of Thailand and a popular tourist destination. This city is full of wonderful places to stay off-campus. Those who would prefer to see some of the city and experience more of what Chiang Mai has to offer during their visit are encouraged to explore!
Keynote Talks
We are trying something new this year; we have arranged for three keynote talks. Each of these three talks will provide a synthesis and update on a long-term research project that is closely associated with ICAAL. These scholars’ efforts have led to insights that are of substantial benefit for the field of Austroasiatic linguistics and beyond. We are highlighting these talks because these are projects that the ICAAL community should know about!
Day 1:
Paul Sidwell

Proto-Austroasiatic Reconstruction: Progress, Challenges, Prospects
Day 2:
Gregory D.S. Anderson

Munda Languages Initiative
Day 3:
Marc Brunelle & James Kirby

How does the Breathy Register Develop? Insights from Austroasiatic and Chamic Languages
Schedule & Abstracts
The following schedule for the conference is now available. Abstracts for each talk are linked. For participants, if your talk has been scheduled at a time that is inconvenient for you, please let us know at the conference email address ([email protected]) as soon as possible, and we will do our best to resolve the issue.
Book Release:
Austroasiatic Linguistics in honour of Gérard Diffloth (1939-2023)
This book is available to download free of charge
At ICAAL 11, it was decided that the ICAAL community would undertake to produce an edited volume in memory of our departed colleague Gérard Diffloth. We are pleased to report that this project has been completed successfully, and we will be releasing Austroasiatic Linguistics in honour of Gérard Diffloth (1939-2023) at ICAAL 12. All in-person participants will receive a print version of the book, and a pdf version will be made available here on ICAAL.org presently. Many thanks to those who contributed chapters, to those who commented on drafts and a special thanks to Paul Sidwell for his editorial leadership, which made this project possible.